Tuesday, 5 January 2021

SCPC works in which layer in OSI model

 SCPC works in which layer in OSI model

At the very top of the layer is Application layer where SCPC work , SCPC(Single Channel Per Carrier )
it refers to single signal at a given frequency and bandwidth. In  SCPC System, Satellite bandwidth is dedicated to single source .This make sense if it is used for something like satellite radio, which broadcast continuously .

    Most often, this is used on broadcast satellites to indicate that radio stations are not multiplexed as subcarriers onto a single video carrier, but instead independently share a transponder. It may also be used on other communications satellites, or occasionally on non-satellite transmissions.


  • simple and reliable technology
  • low-cost equipment
  • any bandwidth (up to a full transponder)
  • usually 64 kbit/s to 50 Mbit/s
  • easy to add additional receive sites (earth stations)


  • inefficient use of satellite bandwidth for burst transmissions, typically encountered with packet data transmission
  • usually requires on-site control
  • When used in remote locations, the transmitting dish must be protected.

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