Types of Network Security

Types of Network Security

Majour and Important types are as follows :

  1. Access Control 
  2. Antivirus & Antimalware Software 
  3. Cloud Security 
  4. Email Security
  5. Firewalls 
  6. Application Security 
  7. Intrusion Prevention System 
1.Access Control 

                          In this case not every person should have a complete allowance for the accessibility to network & its data. Access is given as per the user's rights.

2.Antivirus & Antimalware Software 

                        This type of network security ensure that any malicious software like virus ,trojans & worms is handled by the same.
 It Ensures that not only entry of the malware is protected but also that the system is well equipped to fight once it has entered.

3.Cloud Security 

                        Large amount of data stored in cloud this is very vulnerable to the malpractices that few unauthorized dealers might pertain to. This data must be protected but also protection is not jeopardized by anything. Many SaaS companies give access to these data to their employees it creates gaps in security.

4.Email Security 

                        Most of the company has inbuilt security process for example Fraud email directly goes to spam.


                        Network Security device either Hardware or Software based in some case both. Work of firewall is monitor Incoming & Outgoing traffic based on defined set of rules .IT accept, reject, drop process this is totally based on the Rules. Before firewall Access Control list s used to filter traffic which is known as ACL.

6.Application Security 

                            Application Security denotes the security precautionary measures utilized at the application level. To prevent the stealing or capturing of data or code inside the application.

7.Intrusion Prevention System 

                            Network Security Application that monitors network or system activities for malicious activity. Identify Malicious activity & protect from it is the main feature.


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